welcome to...

the world's most normal website

(4/28/24)Added some pixel clubs. Also updated sites rating from PG to 14 in preparation of adding to my lost media shrine, as well as being somewhat less strict with my wording. There will be no explicit content, and anything with a mature subject matter will be marked as such.
(4/23/24)Added an art page! For my art! Go check it out!!
(4/22/24)Pokemon page is up! The subshrines aren't quite done yet, so those links don't work. I'll get to it soon!
(4/21/24) Ok! I think i'm finally ready to open this up to the public! Of course, there's still a lot to add, but i'm quite happy with it! I'll continue adding new pages and updating existing ones, but please enjoy what's here so far! Yay! Welcome to Kiritani 2.0!